A communications firm specializing in the real estate industry.




Directing Communications Strategies and

Building Relationships

to Advance Your Business.

Martha Moyer Wagoner


Martha Moyer Wagoner is a veteran of the public relations, marketing and news industries. She has helped clients garner local and national media placements, community and industry positioning via strategic affiliations and speaking engagements, and staged buyer retention events. She also counsels clients on the importance of building a solid public image via consistent actions and messaging.

Her career began as a television news anchor and reporter in Duluth, Minnesota. Those years of news reporting and anchoring provided a solid foundation for the next chapter in her life: public relations.

Following her television career, Martha was a senior member of the Phoenix-based Del Webb Corporation public relations and marketing team for 15 years, serving in a number of leadership roles. Del Webb is the nation's top developer of lifestyle communities and has been recognized nationally as the media source on retirement lifestyles.


After a wonderful run at Del Webb, Martha launched The Moyer Group Public Relations in 2001, a boutique PR firm specializing in real estate-related communications and events. The Moyer Group morphed into Master Planned Communications, LLC in 2007.

Effective media relations can reduce the buying cycle time by educating prospective purchasers about a company's unique attributes before they walk in the door. Communicating a market differentiation helps prospective buyers streamline the decision making process, thereby making public relations a very efficient marketing outreach.

Martha also has a strong background in community relations and encourages her clients to be actively involved in the community. People do business with those that contribute to the betterment of the community at large. Building goodwill through strategic partnerships is an efficient and successful way to build grass roots support.

That grass root support is critical during a time of crisis. Managing the communications during a crisis is paramount to keeping a company's good name in tact. Martha has worked on a variety of crisis events including the threat of class action lawsuit to protesting picketers.

Martha is a member of the National Association Real Estate Editors and previously served on its board of directors. This organization attracts the top real estate writers from around the country. She is also a member of the Public Relations Society of America,  and is co-founder of Women In Real Estate Development (W.I.R.E.D.). She also serves on the Board and is President-elect of the Phoenix Suns Charities.



Contact Martha: Martha@MasterPlannedCommunications.com
